Tag Archives: leather

Quick and Dirty Leather Crafting

hatchet sheath

hatchet sheath

Leather crafting is agreat skill to learn and know. You may have to rely on it as well.  You can make;  holsters, bags, pouches, scabbards … on and on.

Just think of all the things we encounter in daily life that are made of, or USED to be made of leather.The leather items that you make can also be used for barter  (in dire situations),  as well as useful stuff for your own self.  As far as survival goes, the final results don’t have to look  pretty  to do the job.

All that is needed are a few easily found items.

pigskin leather scraps

$1.00 worth of pigskin leather scraps

– Leather, of course, leather comes in a variety thickness and hardness.  If possible, choose your leather wisely for your specific projects. Remnant scraps are sold by leather dealers.  They are a cheap way to get started. There may come a time where you can not be so specific.   In  a pinch an old pair of boots, or an worn jacket will work.


leather awe

leather awe

– A leather awe or even an ice-pick for punching holes in the leather.  Many pocket knives have semi – useful punches.




dental floss for sewing

dental floss for sewing

– Strong waxed thread for sewing, good strong dental floss works too.



tapestry / leather needle

tapesty / leather needle

– Blunt tipped sewing needles.  There are all kinds of leather needles, tapestry needles are often used, as well.




hobby / needle nose pliers

hobby / needle nose pliers

– A pair of hobby pliers for assisting the needle through the holes punched into the leather.  Needle nose pliers are an “around the house” substitute.




xacto knife

xacto(tm) knife

– A Xacto ™ knife or a utility knife can be used for cutting the leather.




To make a your leather item, follow these steps.  It is really easy and surprisingly fun to do.

1.  Trace a pattern on a piece of leather

2.  Cut it out, Punch your holes as you go, Thread the needle & start sewing.

3.  Finally, when I am all done with my project, I sand the edges down fairly even. so, it looks nice!!

Making something useful from just scraps can be a very rewarding experience. Grab yourselves  some leather and start your leather crafting, it can be more than just a hobby.

Here is nice video that shows your pretty much the same thing.  It shows how really simple it is to start doing this.  It’s not our video so you will have to forgive the “hotel lobby” background music.

BTW;  here are two more sheaths made by the author.

Hiram's Sheaths

Knife Sheaths Made by Author