Tag Archives: hard tack cutter

Our Hardtack Recipe

Here is our own contribution.  Making a video is high on our list.  Tell us how it works out for you.


5 cups UNbleached, all purpose, NON-self rising flour

1 table spoon salt

1 table spoon baking powder

1 1/2 cups cold water ( + or -)


dry flour mixture

1. Mix All ingredients together in a bowl. Make a stiff dry dough.

-add water if needed

2. Roll dough to a workable thickness of about 1/2 inch.

hard tack cutter

hardtack cutter

3. Cut into 3 inch squares and  make  holes on the top, five (5) by five (5) rows. This can be done with a nail or something similar.  An actual civil war era hardtack cutter” is available from fall creek sutler.


3.  Place on cookie sheet & bake at, 300 degrees for 50 – 90 minutes.

Very Old HardTack

Surviving Civil War Hardtack

– You can make them rock hard like they are supposed to be , or make them a little softer so they can be consumed without
breaking teeth, It’s your choice.

Feel free to post your opinions or helpful hints making this age old classic of long term food staples.

Recipe contributed by Mr. R. Shackleford.

There is not a good selection of videos for Hardtack recipes, but Rusty  says this one is closest.